Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Temporarily lost: a true story

Yesterday we went on a hike.There were thirteen of us total, 5 adults and 8 children.  On the way there were supposed to be two mini waterfalls (water falling from about 20-30 feet off the ground) and a lake.  We easily made it to the first waterfall we stood under it and walked on the rocks around it.  It was a beautiful summer day, sunny, warm, and wrapped up with butterflies.  The leafy tops of the trees in the forest provided shade as they mingled high above.  On the ground fallen leaves crunched and crackled beneath our feet.  We all had our own bottles of water.  After taking pictures we crossed a small stream and did some exploring.  This was when we lost the trail without realizing it.  We found an easy to access rocky ledge about 15 feet up.  we all went up there and took pictures, my mom yelling at us to stay away from the edge the whole time.  After that we continued to explore.  We eventually came to a wreckage of about 3 or 4 downed trees.  We found an area that was sort of cleared and crawled through there. On the other side we kept on walking and talking.  In about 5 minutes we reached a cliff with a narrow path down.  At that point we sent the youngest kids back, and one of the adults.  Now there was 7.  We continued on.  We reached the bottom after a couple slips but no death.  At the bottom we found ourselves at another stream.  It took us about 5 minutes to realize we had no idea where we were.  Luckily my dad had his iPhone and we looked up where we were on Google maps and found the path.  On the bad side the path was on top of a HUGE hill.  I barely rememberd climbing the hill.  I remember huffing and puffing.   Pushing plants out of the way and extreme tiredness.  In the end we all got to the top with out to many scratches.  After that we sat around and drank water while we sent Rebecca (one of the adults) ahead to see if there were any obstacles on the path ahead.  She returned in about 15 minutes and said there's a tree but that's all.  We split up.  Some of us went forward, and others went back to the start.

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