Sunday, July 31, 2011

runaway: an original short story

Brrrp brrrp brrrp brrrp brrrp brrrp.  The electronic noise of the alarm clock pervaded the silent night air with unwanted noise.  A pale hand, so pale it nearly shimmered in the moonlight, reached out and smacked the thing.  When that didnt work it dug aroun on the top and found the snooze button.  With a groan and a moan, the body connected to the pale hand shifted under the blanket.  It was a girl.  She was sixteen years old.  Her name is Clarina, and she hated it.  She is running away. 

Remembering her mission, Clarina threw off her blanket and nearly jumped out of bed, but managed to control herself.  Slowly and quietly,she thought.  And slowly and quietly she dressed in a t-shirt, and jeans.  Clarina gathered her things, her pre-packed backpack, and a small suitcase.  She pulled on a sweatshirt and her tennis shoes. 

Slowly and quietly, she walked to the front door.  She went up, touched the doorknob and stopped.  She thought.  She thought of her mother.  She'll be so sad, heartbroken.  So what, said another side,serves her right after all she did.  The things that are out there, i could be killed.  No,she decided,ive waited to long for this.  She brushed the doorknob once more, then gipped, turned and she shoved it forward.

The fresh night air felt cool and crisp against her face.  She looked down.  Down at the ground that was a step away.  A single step and she would never see this place again.  A single step.  And that was all.  She stuck her foot out and held her breath.  There was no going back now.  No going back.  She brought it down onto the paved side walk.  She laughed and smiled.  She took another step and another, until she was running.  She stopped in the middle of the street.  She threw her arms up, dropping the black suitcase, and laughed.  She reached for the sky and twirled in a circle.  She laughed and giggled.  One thought whirled and twirled in her head, freedom freedom freedom.  Her black hair, contrast against her shimmering skin, spread around her.

 As she remembered that she still had a ways to go, she picked up her suit case and began walking to the bus stop.  She would take the bus to the bus terminal.  Take another one to the airport in L.A., and from there she would take a plane to New York City, where she will start her life once again.

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