Saturday, August 27, 2011

Russias' thoughts: Hetalia

"BBBBBBBRRRRRIIING!!!  BBBBBBBRRRRRIIING!!!", was the first thing Ivan heard after waking up.  Still half asleep he got up and ambled over to the cell phone on his desk.

"'Allo"he said, still half asleep,"Ivan here, can I take a message?"

"Russia!!!"cried a bubbly voice on the other end,"Oh I am so glad you answered!!!"

The pale man sighed and replied"What do you want Italy, I was having a pleasent dream."  He thought about what he had been dreaming about, squashing everybodys heads while holding the earth in the palm of his hand.  Just thinking about it gave him a little smile that can only be described as creepy.

"I Called to say that Germany says hiiiii!!!  Dont you Germany??!  Oh yeah and Germany says he's planning to bomb you on OOOOOWWWWW!!!!!  Germany, why'd you hit me??  I was just- no! NO!!!  Pleasedontpleasedon'tIbruise, donthitmeeeee!!!!!"  And the line went dead.

The nation walked over to the window, his friendly blue eyes scanning his sunflower garden out the window.  War.  It was practically the second world war now, and so close to the first.  It was taking its toll.  In the end Germany would lose though, Ivan smiled at the thought of brutally stabbing him until he was no more.  But of course, he would not be the one to do so if that happened.  That show-off Alfred would most likely be the one.  Ivan made a mental note to crush America the stab Germany. 

He looked down at the phone, he was feeling a bit lonely, and overworked what with the war and all.  He dialed the number, and waited.  And waited.  And waited.  Finally Yaos voice came up from a prerecorded answering machine message. 

"Nihao!  This is Yao speaking, if you are hearing this then I am rebelling or hitting someone with a wok.  Of course I could be doing something else, so please leave a message after th beep."  This message was followed like a long beep.

"Yao, it's Ivan, I-I was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner sometime this week.  The war has been hard and I thought we might take a little brake.  C-call me when you get this."' and he hung up.

He had no idea why he was so nervous around Yao, it was so simple isn't it?  It's not like a, like a date.  Just dinner.  To sooth himself Russia went and sat down in his crimson arm chair, and thought about finally defeating Germany and then squishing his head.

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