Sunday, August 21, 2011

What if? : some questions

What if we were wrong about everything that we knew?  What if everythung thay've told us is untrue?  What if life is nothing more than a mere illusion?  All the scientifc conclusions that have been made, the experiments done?  What if it were nothing more than a dream.  The things in our dreams, what if, in some other world, in some other dimension, those things really happened, are happening?  These are questions that I have wondered over the span of years that has been my life.  Questions that I thought about, what if?  Ask yourself, what if?  Wonder what would happen if this was how it is?  How would people react to it, would they freak out and run about?  Would they faint, slumping over their face a deadly white?  Could they possiblly scream for joy?  We may never know.  All these what if questions may go unanswered for all of eternity, which, as I imagine is a very long time.  So as you sit here reading this, clear the everyday clutter of your brain, and ask what if?

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